viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

Look how sex helps to lose weight


For no one is a secret that sex is good for health. Several scientific studies have shown that it has a protective effect on the organism, because in addition to generating pleasure is a natural analgesic that reduces stress, increases mood, reduces the risk of heart disease, favors the immune system and improves memory .

It has also been said that sexual activity is equivalent to exercising and therefore helps to lose weight. Although the subject had been considered a myth because of lack of scientific evidence, a recent study confirmed that sex does promote energy expenditure and that the results of a good job in bed can be equivalent to the exercise that is done when walking.

For the research, a group of researchers from the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, recruited 21 heterosexual couples between 18 and 35 years. Everyone should practice at least two hours of exercise a week and be free of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, sexual dysfunction or physical limitations.

The volunteers who fulfilled the requirements were first subjected to 30 minutes on the treadmill, as recommended by the specialists. In this way, they established the average caloric expenditure of each one in a traditional session of aerobic exercise.

The second stage of the experiment was to calculate how many calories a couple burns while having sex. For this they used a novel technique. They were given some portable bracelets called SenseWear, which have accelerometers and temperature and skin sensors, which measure the increase in electrical conductivity in the body when you sweat.

Until now, research on sexual relationships, such as those of Masters and Johnson in the 1960s, had been carried out in the laboratory, making it difficult to obtain reliable results from a session of normal sex in privacy. That's why this bracelet, which has been validated by several studies and has 92 percent accuracy, was ideal for a realistic calculation.

After four sessions of sex a month, which lasted an average of 25 minutes each, experts found that men burn around 101 calories, that is 4.2 per minute, while in the case of women the cost was 69 per session, or 3.1 per minute. The 25-minute sexual sessions are counted from the time of the previous game until the resting stage after the climax.

These figures can fluctuate depending on the duration of the encounter and its intensity, "because the longer they are delayed, the greater the number of calories will be eliminated. A man from the group of volunteers was able to burn more than 300, "Antony Karelis, co-author of the study and professor of the department of Kinantropology, a discipline dedicated to the study of the human being in movement, told the University of Quebec in Montreal.

While it is true that the calories burned in bed do not compare with those that are eliminated during aerobic exercise -276 in men and 213 in women-, this study shows that sexual activity can be considered as a form of activity significant physics, better than going for a walk but not superior to jogging. The bonus is that, as stated by the participants in an interview, it is "a more pleasant way of exercising than 30 minutes on the treadmill," says Karelis.

According to Carlos Luengas, cardiologist at the Cardiovascular Foundation of Colombia (FCV), sex, like any other physical activity, is good for health because "it increases the heart rate, improves oxygen consumption and favors the metabolism of fats. "He said to WEEK.

People who practice it often benefit from the cocktail of hormones that are released during intercourse, including endorphins. And although it can not be equated with an hour of swimming or a game of tennis in terms of energy expenditure, it has other psychological connotations that can make it more beneficial and satisfying. "Not everything is organic, but emotional," says the expert.

For this reason, frequent sex with a stable partner is much better because it offers greater security in the affective field. Women who engage with one or more couples outside of marriage may be at greater risk of heart attack because of "the psychological stress that this type of situation produces," says Luengas. Not in vain in the study conducted by Karelis and company, published in the journal PLoS One, couples recruited should have a stable monogamous relationship of between six and 24 months.

Although it is logical that men spend more energy during sexual intercourse, in the study it was shown that the feeling of well-being is equal for women. The work confirms that leading an active sex life with a stable partner is good for your health and can help you lose weight.

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